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Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery

Ausgabe 8/2023

Inhalt (93 Artikel)

Orthopaedic Surgery

Impact of social disadvantage among total knee arthroplasty places of service on procedural volume: a nationwide Medicare analysis

Victoria S. Wu, Alexander J. Acuña, Andrew G. Kim, Robert J. Burkhart, Atul F. Kamath

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Functional outcomes and health-related quality of life after reconstruction of segmental bone loss in femur and tibia using the induced membrane technique

Wolfram Grün, Emilie Johannah Jellum Hansen, Geir Stray Andreassen, John Clarke-Jenssen, Jan Erik Madsen

Orthopaedic Surgery

Perioperative complications after posterior spinal fusion versus minimally invasive fusionless surgery in neuromuscular scoliosis: a comparative study

Mathilde Gaume, Josiane Njiki, Isabelle Vaugier, Gilles Orliaguet, Delphine Verollet, Christophe Glorion, Aben Essid, Blaise Mbieleu, Justine Zini, Abdallah Fayssoile, Susana Quijano-Roy, Isabelle Desguerre, Lotfi Miladi, Jean Bergounioux

COVID-19 Orthopaedic Surgery

Re-initiation of elective total knee arthroplasty with an adapted pathway during the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic was safe and effective

Christian B. Ong, Jacqueline Grubel, John Steele, Yu-Fen Chiu, Friedrich Boettner, Steven Haas, Alejandro Gonzalez Della Valle

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

The distal metatarsal screw is not always necessary in third-generation MICA: a case–control study

Norbert Harrasser, F. Hinterwimmer, S. F. Baumbach, K. Pfahl, C. Glowalla, M. Walther, H. Hörterer

Orthopaedic Surgery

Preventing varus collapse in proximal humerus fracture fixation: 90–90 dual plating versus endosteal fibular allograft strut

Ravi Patel, Justin R. Brown, Jon W. Miles, Grant J. Dornan, Christopher Bartolomei, Rony-Orijit Dey Hazra, Leslie B. Vidal, Peter J. Millett

Orthopaedic Surgery

Reverse shoulder arthroplasty for proximal humerus fractures: a comparison of the deltoid split and deltopectoral approaches

Hayden B. Schuette, Nathaniel J. Starcher, Craig C. Goubeaux, Daniel T. DeGenova, Jacob J. Triplet, Sanjay Mehta, Benjamin C. Taylor

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Modified surgical anchor refixation in older patients with acute proximal hamstring rupture: clinical outcome, patient satisfaction and muscle strength

Tomáš Chocholáč, Linda Bühl, Corina Nüesch, Niklas Bleichner, Annegret Mündermann, Karl Stoffel

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Smokers have increased risk of soft-tissue complications following primary elective TKA

Moritz Starzer, Maria Anna Smolle, Ines Vielgut, Georg Hauer, Lukas Leitner, Roman Radl, Reinhard Ehall, Andreas Leithner, Patrick Sadoghi

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Imprecise prediction of implant sizes with preoperative 2D digital templating in total knee arthroplasty

Felix Riechelmann, H. Lettner, R. Mayr, R. Tandogan, D. Dammerer, M. Liebensteiner

Orthopaedic Surgery

Latissimus dorsi and teres major tendon transfer for irreparable anterosuperior rotator cuff tear improves kinematics and internal rotation compared to latissimus dorsi tendon transfer

Gyu Rim Baek, Jung Gon Kim, Andrew P. Nakla, Daniel Kwak, Min-Shik Chung, Michelle H. McGarry, Gregory J. Adamson, Thay Q. Lee

Orthopaedic Surgery

Clinical impact of microbiological results in two-stage revision arthroplasty with spacer exchange

Bernhard J. H. Frank, Sebastian Simon, Alexander Aichmair, Martin Dominkus, Jochen G. Hofstaetter

Orthopaedic Surgery

Operative room time comparison between general and spinal anesthesia in total hip arthroplasty: an institutional study

Mackenzie Sowers, Roshan Jacob, Kelly Chandler, George E. Kuntz IV, Sakthivel Rajaram, Promil Kukreja, Sameer Naranje

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Analysis and 3D correction of glenoid dysplasia with metal hemi-wedge base plate augment: short-term radiographic outcomes

Thorsten Guehring, Luis Navas, Jan Westrich, Alexander Zimmerer, Sebastian Schmidt, Miguel Barrientos, Benjamin Ulmar

Orthopaedic Surgery

Influence of kinematics of the lumbopelvic complex in hip arthroplasty dislocation: from assessment to recommendations

Pascal Kouyoumdjian, Jad Mansour, Stanislas Marouby, Francois Canovas, Louis Dagneaux, Remy Coulomb

Orthopaedic Surgery

Hospital transfer and delayed reduction of traumatic hip dislocations

Patrick C. McGregor, Jason E. Meldau, Tomas Liskutin, Robert F. Kelly, Ashley E. Levack, Joseph Cohen, Hobie Summers

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Obese elderly patients with hip fractures may have better survival outcomes after surgery

Hao Wang, Liping Pan, Baoqiang Li, Taiguo Ning, Guanghua Liang, Yongping Cao

Orthopaedic Surgery

The effects of hypoalbuminemia in obese patients undergoing total joint arthroplasty

S. Elliott Holbert, Jane C. Brennan, Andrea H. Johnson, Justin J. Turcotte, Paul J. King, James H. MacDonald

Orthopaedic Surgery

A novel classification based on magnetic resonance imaging for individualized surgical strategies of lumbar disc herniation

Fengzhao Zhu, Yaqing Zhang, Yan Peng, Ya Ning, Xue Leng, Guanzhong Wang, Chencheng Feng, Bo Huang

Orthopaedic Surgery

A predictive score of high tibial osteotomy survivorship to help in surgical decision-making: the SKOOP score

Cécile Batailler, Thomas Gicquel, Nicolas Bouguennec, Camille Steltzlen, Nicolas Tardy, Jean-Loup Cartier, Patrice Mertl, Régis Pailhé, Goulven Rochcongar, Jean Marie Fayard

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Complications and revisions in anatomic and reverse short stem shoulder arthroplasty

Markus Loew, Marc Schnetzke, Sophia Kappes, Thomas Bruckner, Anna-Katharina Nolte

Open Access Orthopaedic Surgery

Irritation from metalwork after ankle arthrodesis fixed using screws: a proportional meta-analysis and systematic review

Antonio Izzo, Arianna Sgadari, Salvatore Santagata, Antonio Coviello, Andrea Cozzolino, Massimo Mariconda, Alessio Bernasconi

Orthopaedic Surgery

Analysis of the determinant factor of the medial joint space width after medial opening wedge high tibial osteotomy

Ho Won Jeong, Seung Jae Shim, Seong Yun Park, Yong Seuk Lee

Orthopaedic Surgery

Arthroscopic surgery for symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus improves meniscal status assessed by magnetic resonance imaging T2 mapping

Kazuya Nishino, Yusuke Hashimoto, Yohei Nishida, Shinya Yamasaki, Hiroaki Nakamura

Orthopaedic Surgery

Osteoscopic versus open surgery for the treatment of enchondroma in the foot

Hiroyuki Futani, Takayuki Kawaguchi, Tatsuo Sawai, Toshiya Tachibana

Trauma Surgery

Streamlining orthopaedic trauma surgical care: do all patients need medical clearance?

David A. Cieremans, John Gao, Sammy Choi, Thomas R. Lyon, Joseph A. Bosco, Joshua C. Rozell

Trauma Surgery

The role of an augmentative plating in the management of femoral subtrochanteric nonunion

Joon-Woo Kim, Chang-Wug Oh, Kyeong-Hyeon Park, Jong-Keon Oh, Yong-Cheol Yoon, Wonki Hong, Jaehyup Kim

Open Access Trauma Surgery

A recalibrated prediction model can identify level-1 trauma patients at risk of nosocomial pneumonia

T. Kobes, A. M. Terpstra, F. F. A. IJpma, L. P. H. Leenen, R. M. Houwert, K. J. P. van Wessem, R. H. H. Groenwold, M. C. P. M. van Baal

Open Access Trauma Surgery

Retrospective analysis of mortality and quality of life after hip disarticulation or hemipelvectomy: a report on 15 patients

Melanie Schindler, Susanne Baertl, Nike Walter, Siegmund Lang, Dominik Szymski, Volker Alt, Markus Rupp

Open Access Trauma Surgery

Subspine femoroacetabular impingement: retrospective study of a series of patients treated by hip arthroscopic resection

Alberto Frances Borrego, Alvaro Martinez Garcia, Laura Del Baño Barragán, Alberto Rodríguez González, Marta Echevarría Marín, Fernando Marco Martinez

Trauma Surgery

Limb salvage versus primary amputation in Gustilo–Anderson IIIB and IIIC tibial fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Hannah Jia Hui Ng, Ernest Jin Guang Ang, Antony Xavier Rex Premchand, Vaikunthan Rajaratnam

Trauma Surgery

Two fingerbreadths, one finger’s width: on the proximity of the radial nerve to the deltoid tuberosity

Walter Prager, Angelika Maria Schwarz, Ulrike Wittig, Renate Krassnig, Niels Hammer, Gloria Maria Hohenberger

Trauma Surgery

Biomechanical analysis of helical versus straight plating of proximal third humeral shaft fractures

Torsten Pastor, Ivan Zderic, Kenneth P. van Knegsel, Frank J. P. Beeres, Filippo Migliorini, Reto Babst, Sven Nebelung, Bergita Ganse, Carsten Schoeneberg, Boyko Gueorguiev, Matthias Knobe

Open Access Trauma Surgery

Intraoperative 3D imaging in plate osteosynthesis of proximal humerus fractures

Alexander Böhringer, Raffael Cintean, Alexander Eickhoff, Florian Gebhard, Konrad Schütze

Trauma Surgery

Reproducibility of Bartoníček and Haraguchi classifications of the posterior malleolus fractures

Joan Sugrañes, Sergio Lopez-Hervas, Carlos Alvarez, Carlo Gamba

Trauma Surgery

Correlation of head screw lengths in proximal humerus nailing: a CT-based study on 289 cases

Michael Sarter, Thomas C. Koslowsky, Philipp Fervers, Grischa Bratke, Andreas Harbrecht, Michael Hackl, Lars P. Müller, Kilian Wegmann

Open Access Trauma Surgery

Humeral shaft fracture: systematic review of non-operative and operative treatment

Saskia H. Van Bergen, Kiran C. Mahabier, Esther M. M. Van Lieshout, Tim Van der Torre, Cornelia A. W. Notenboom, Priscilla A. Jawahier, Michael H. J. Verhofstad, Dennis Den Hartog

Trauma Surgery

Coronoid tip fractures in terrible triad injuries can be safely treated without fixation

Alexander Klug, Angela Nagy, Paul Hagebusch, Sebastian Fischer, Yves Gramlich, Reinhard Hoffmann

Open Access Trauma Surgery

Extramedullary versus intramedullary fixation of stable trochanteric femoral fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Miliaan L. Zeelenberg, Leendert H. T. Nugteren, A. Cornelis Plaisier, Sverre A. I. Loggers, Pieter Joosse, Dennis Den Hartog, Michael H. J. Verhofstad, Esther M. M. van Lieshout, Taco Gosens, Johannes H. Hegeman, Suzanne Polinder, Rudolf W. Poolman, Hanna C. Willems, Rutger G. Zuurmond

Trauma Surgery

Impact of aberrant beam paths on antero-posterior shoulder radiographs in proximal humeral fractures

Jud Lukas, Hoessly Menduri, Spross Christian, Jost Bernhard, Jacxsens Matthijs

Trauma Surgery

If at first you don’t succeed, should you try again? The efficacy of repeated closed reductions of distal radius fractures

Alexander J. Hoffer, Stefan A. St George, Daniel K. Banaszek, Darren M. Roffey, Henry M. Broekhuyse, Jeffrey M. Potter

Trauma Surgery

A novel patella fracture fixation technique: finite element analysis

Yunus Demirtaş, Yusuf Alper Katı

Open Access Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Arthrofibrosis is a common but poorly defined complication in multiligament knee injuries: a systematic review

Hendrik Fahlbusch, Lukas Krivec, Sebastian Müller, Alonja Reiter, Karl Heinz Frosch, Matthias Krause

Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

What is the utility of hip arthroscopy in patients with joint laxity? A contemporary systematic review of patient-reported and surgical outcomes

Michael A. Gaudiani, Linsen T. Samuel, Robert J. Burkhart, Alexander J. Acuña, James T. Rosneck, Atul F. Kamath

Open Access Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Recreational activity after open hip abductor repair

Luis Navas, Alexander Zimmerer, Matthias Hausschild

Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Posterior subtotal meniscectomy revealed the worst scenario for the progression of osteocartilaginous damage in cases of juvenile discoid lateral meniscus with peripheral tear

Yusuke Hashimoto, Kazuya Nishino, Shinya Yamasaki, Yohei Nishida, Tomohiro Tomihara, Hiroaki Nakamura

Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Is lesser tuberosity morphology related to subscapularis tears and anterior shoulder instability?

Haluk Yaka, Mustafa Özer, Ulunay Kanatlı

Open Access Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Cartilage repair strategies in the knee according to Dutch Orthopedic Surgeons: a survey study

R. M. Jeuken, P. P. W. van Hugten, A. K. Roth, T. A. E. J. Boymans, J. Caron, A. Weber, R. J. H. Custers, P. J. Emans

Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Comparison of balance and function in the long term after all arthroscopic ATFL repair surgery

İnci Hazal Ayas, Murat Çiçeklidağ, Beyza Yazgan Dağlı, Resul Bircan, Mehmet Ali Tokgöz, Seyit Çıtaker, Ulunay Kanatlı

Open Access Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine

Coronal extrusion of the lateral meniscus does not increase after pullout repair of the posterior root of the lateral meniscus at short-term follow-up

Philipp Forkel, Jonas Noack, Maximilian Hinz, Andreas B. Imhoff, Klaus Wörtler, Matthias J. Feucht

Knee Revision Surgery

The anatomical shape of the proximal femur correlates with the distal femur anatomy

Yannic N. T. van den Eeden, Moez Zeiton, Mustafa Akkaya, Jochen Salber, Thorsten Gehrke, Mustafa Citak

Knee Revision Surgery

Identification of the joint line in revision total knee arthroplasty using a multiple linear regression model: a cadaveric study

Yunfei Hou, Jun Jiang, Han Liu, Ruikang Wang, Jingyu Wu, Yixiong Wang, Jianhao Lin

Open Access Knee Arthroplasty

Topical vancomycin powder does not affect patella cartilage degeneration in primary total knee arthroplasty and conversion rate for secondary patella resurfacing

Benjamin Jacob, Georgi Wassilew, Rüdiger von Eisenhart-Rothe, Steffen Brodt, Georg Matziolis

Knee Arthroplasty

Does addition of gentamicin for antibiotic prophylaxis in total knee arthroplasty reduce the rate of periprosthetic joint infection?

Itay Ashkenazi, Nisan Amzallag, Nimrod Snir, Samuel Morgan, Simon Garceau, Liri Kotz, Aviram Gold, Yaniv Warschawski

Knee Arthroplasty

How does sickle cell disease affect the peri-operative outcome in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty? A large-scale, National Inpatient Sample-based study

Vibhu Krishnan Viswanathan, Sruthi Priyavadhana Ramanan, Jack Beale, Surabhi Subramanian, Varatharaj Mounasamy, Senthil Sambandam

Open Access Knee Arthroplasty

The use of an individualized intraoperative video shows no impact on the early postoperative clinical outcome after total knee arthroplasty: a prospective, randomized, controlled trial

Patrick Sadoghi, Christoph Listl, Jan Lewis, Patrick Reinbacher, Andreas Leithner, Georg Hauer

Knee Arthroplasty

Do older patients fare worse following unilateral or single stage bilateral total knee arthroplasty?

Megan Ishii, Krystin Wong, Brent Shimoda, Samantha Andrews, Donna Au, Cass K. Nakasone

Knee Arthroplasty

Comparison of traditional PS versus kinematically designs in primary total knee arthroplasty

Ittai Shichman, Christian T. Oakley, Jeremiah Thomas, Ivan Fernandez-Madrid, Morteza Meftah, Ran Schwarzkopf

Open Access Knee Arthroplasty

The course of knee extensor strength after total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review with meta-analysis and -regression

Ravi Singla, Daniel Niederer, Alexander Franz, Kevin Happ, Christoph Zilkens, Patrick Wahl, Michael Behringer

Open Access Correction

Correction to: The course of knee extensor strength after total knee arthroplasty: a systematic review with meta‑analysis and ‑regression

Ravi Singla, Daniel Niederer, Alexander Franz, Kevin Happ, Christoph Zilkens, Patrick Wahl, Michael Behringer

Knee Arthroplasty

True “outpatient discharge” following single-stage bilateral unicompartmental knee arthroplasty may be unrealistic for most

Brandan I. Sakka, Dylan R. Y. Lawton, Emily M. Unebasami, Brian R. Buchner, Samantha N. Andrews, Cass K. Nakasone

Knee Arthroplasty

Patella resurfacing is not associated with a difference in the Oxford knee score after total knee arthroplasty but stair descent is enhanced

Sarah Abbott, Sarkhell Radha, Irrum Afzal, Karam Sarsam, Nick D. Clement, Deiary F. Kader

Hip Arthroplasty

A smaller femoral stem is needed for asian females

Cass K. Nakasone, Kelvin T. Naito, Scott T. Nishioka, Samantha N. Andrews

Hip Arthroplasty

Femoral head and neck autograft in arthroplasty for developmental dysplasia of the hip: a systematic review of long-term outcomes

Daniel Karczewski, Lukas Schönnagel, Henrik Bäcker, Doruk Akgün, Philipp Kriechling, Octavian Andronic

Hip Arthroplasty

Are we getting better at cementing femoral stems in total hip arthroplasty? A 5-year institutional trend

Ittai Shichman, Christian T. Oakley, Geidily Beaton, Roy I. Davidovitch, Ran Schwarzkopf, Joshua C. Rozell

Hip Arthroplasty

A 10- to 12-year follow-up study of delta ceramic-on-ceramic total hip arthroplasty

Jung-Wee Park, Hong-Seok Kim, Ki-Choul Kim, Young-Kyun Lee, Yong-Chan Ha, Kyung-Hoi Koo

Open Access Hip Arthroplasty

Clinical evaluation of a new technique for custom-made spacers in septic two-stage revision of total hip arthroplasties

Moritz Mederake, Ulf Krister Hofmann, Bernd Fink

Hip Arthroplasty

Perioperative management of leg-length discrepancy in total hip arthroplasty: a review

Rohan A. Gheewala, Joseph R. Young, Benjamin Villacres Mori, Akshay Lakra, Matthew R. DiCaprio

Hip Arthroplasty

Preoperatively elevated HbA1c levels can meaningfully improve following total joint arthroplasty

Ittai Shichman, Christian T. Oakley, Jaclyn A. Konopka, Joshua C. Rozell, Ran Schwarzkopf, Claudette M. Lajam

Open Access Handsurgery

Osteoid osteoma in the bones of the hand: a systematic literature review

Jasmin Meyer, Tim Rolvien, Alonja Reiter, Matthias Priemel, Karl-Heinz Frosch, Anna Krukenberg, Sinef Yarar-Schlickewei


Correction to: The influence of joint line restoration on the results of revision total knee arthroplasty: comparison between distance and ratio-methods

Ralf Bieger, Klaus Huch, Semra Kocak, Sebastian Jung, Heiko Reichel, Saber Nassar, Thomas Kappe


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